Since it was never intended for slideshare with 62 slides serving as the back drop of a 3-hour open conversation-driven class, I've had to break it up in several smaller parts to share it there. You can find all four here or read the content description each part:
Social Media For Communication Strategy, Part 1 (20 slides)
The first 20 slides provide an overview of social media mass, with an emphasis on the fact that more than 90 percent of adults are online and there is virtually no demographic difference between online people and offline people. Nowadays, there are only people, many of which are passively engaged in social media whether they know it or not.
Social Media For Communication Strategy, Part 2 (8 slides)
The next eight slides emphasize how the adoption of social media among businesses is accelerating in every industry; how convergence is playing an important role in driving increased Internet usage; how print continues to be impacted by the Internet; and a quick comparison of an Internet footprint left by a static Web site and consistently updated blog.
Social Media For Communication Strategy, Part 3 (18 slides)
The next set touches on analytics, with an emphasis that analytics are useful but not the end all in tracking or determining success in business. For businesses, intent remains the most defining factor in determining ROI. These slides also include some very basic blog orientation content and general theory about citizen journalism.
Social Media For Communication Strategy, Part 4 (16 slides)
For businesses, I generally propose they employ their intent specific blog as their home base before moving into social networks. The last batch plainly provides a social network overview, with an emphasis on the idea that people move through social networks much like they move through various physical social spaces in their daily lives — from the home to the coffee house to their job, etc.
In many cases, I’ve back linked specific slides to source material on this blog and elsewhere (if it was not already linked in an originating post). It might provide some additional insight into the verbal portion of my presentations.
Sure, this might be a little more nuts and bolts than my usual posts. But there are a few people out there that might appreciate a peek into social media beyond the bubble and from the ground. Enjoy.
Next year, I might even make it more slideshare friendly.

Very Cool.
I still wish I could have taken the class but the next best thing is much appreciated.
I am beginning to find that life online shares another similarity with its physical counterpart and that is evolution.
For those of us who did not grow up with a video camera capturing our every accomplishment the concept of life online where all you say and do is documented for posterity is a strange one. But the longer you live online the more you begin to understand that something so hearty as growth will not be stunted by the eternal presence of our sometimes embarassing former selves. True, people could dredge up all those old you's to use as ammunition in some dispute but I think it is coming to the point that even our old ideas have a shelf life. What seems to matter more and more online is what one is doing now.
Thanks Rich, I enjoyed your presentation.
Social media marketing has two important aspects. The first, SMO, refers to on-page tactics through which a webmaster can improve a website for the age of social media. Such optimization includes adding links to services such as Digg, Reddit and so that their pages can be easily 'saved and submitted' to and for these services.
messsage marketing
@B Thanks man. Yes, I think there is natural progression and, except for politicians it seems (which is too bad), old ideas have a shelf life for anyone who appreciates that the more we know, they more we know we don't know anything. I'd glad you enjoyed it.
I look forward to the day I can see you in the audience (or on stage with me if you prefer!). You never know these days. :)
@Hesslei Ah yes, there is no doubt SMO plays a tactical role. Yet sometimes I think social media opportunities are derailed trying to teach how to pick a peach when no one has bothered to tell them why peaches are even good eat.
Or more simply, teaching tactics before strategies leads to all sorts of ugly abuses and disasters.
There's always more we can and should be teaching students, but social media.What does a digital native, born close to 1990, need to learn from a digital immigrant who graduated before the IBM PC was launched in the UK, and who wrote magazine articles back in the 1980s about how businesses were adopting a new communications device, the fax machine.
social advertising
I had a post planned for today, but your question deserves its own post so I'll go with that instead.
And here you go.
You know, I would really love to be able to edit comments.
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