If there is any truth to the idea that one good deed deserves another, then BlogCatalog.com’s Call To End Abuse, which is its third social awareness campaign, certainly qualifies. While the topic is broad, the blogger-driven campaign promises to raise awareness of abuse-related subjects and related non-profits around the world.
In cooperation with BlogCatalog.com, Copywrite, Ink. is inviting any blogger who participates in the campaign to submit a link to their Sept. 27 abuse awareness post along with two weeks of measurable results for a contest designed to benefit others while drawing additional recognition to bloggers who do good.
Blog For Hope Post Competition
The Challenge. Simply post about some form of abuse on your blog as planned on Sept. 27 and then track any measurable results (traffic counts, comments, links from others, recognition from charity or media, donations collected or made to a charity as applicable, etc.) for two weeks. Your name and address must be included on the e-mailed entry (we will publish pseudonyms upon request; this information will not be used for any other purpose).
The Submission. Please submit the link to your post in the body of an e-mail along with any measurable results to blogforhope@yahoo.com by no later than 5 p.m. PST on Oct. 10, 2007. Title the post “Blog For Hope Entry.”
Entry fee. Nada. Zero.
First Place.
• $250 (U.S.) donated to a recognized charity of your choice in your name.
• Six months of premium services from BlogCatalog.com
• Choice of any “Bloggers Unite” T-shirt, mug, or other product.
• Your blog and post topic profiled on Nov. 4 by the Copywrite, Ink. blog.
• A “Bloggers Unite” product design based on your post, which will include your blog address (proceeds will benefit charity), and design featured on the Back Lot Projects store blog with a direct link to your post. Additional recognition on BlogCatalog.com, Copywrite, Ink., and National Business Community Blog.
Second Place.
• Three months of premium services from BlogCatalog.com
• Choice of any “Bloggers Unite” T-shirt, mug, or other product.
• Your blog and post topic profiled on Nov. 11 by the Copywrite, Ink. blog.
• A “Bloggers Unite” product design based on your post, which will include your blog address (proceeds will benefit charity), and design featured on the Back Lot Projects store blog with a direct link to your post. Additional recognition on BlogCatalog.com, Copywrite, Ink., and National Business Community Blog.
Third Place.
• One month of premium services from BlogCatalog.com
• Choice of any “Bloggers Unite” T-shirt, mug, or other product.
• Your blog and post topic profiled on Nov. 18 by the Copywrite, Ink. blog.
• A “Bloggers Unite” product design based on your post, which will include your blog address (proceeds will benefit charity), and design featured on the Back Lot Projects store blog with a direct link to your post. Additional recognition on BlogCatalog.com, Copywrite, Ink., and National Business Community Blog.
Honorable Mentions.
• Up to five honorable mentions to be included in the winners release.
Winners will be announced on Oct. 27, 2007. Entry assumes that you agree to allow us the right to republish portions of your post in the event you win and make yourself available to answer a few e-mail questions for the winners’ profiles to be published at Copywrite, Ink.
Judging. Post will be judged on the basis of the quality of the post (be accurate, clear, concise, human, and conspicuous), the abuse subject or charity mentioned in your post, and any additional measurements submitted. Judges will include two members of BlogCatalog.com, two members of Copywrite, Ink., and two outside judges with no affiliation to either company.
Additional. You do not have to be a BlogCatalog.com member to enter. We reserve the right to not award some or all prizes if no suitable entries are submitted. Neither BlogCatalog.com or Copywrite, Ink. employees are eligible to participate. All decisions by the judges are final. The first place cash prize will NOT be awarded to the first place winner personally (but rather to a charity instead) and therefore the winner shall not be entitled to receive an income tax deduction for such prize contribution.
If you have additional questions or comments, feel free to post them in the comment section of this post. The sole purpose of this contest is to have fun, recognize causes against abuse, and bloggers who use their blogs for good.

I am so excited about this! What an opportunity for all bloggers to come together and blog about whatever type of abuse they choose.
Many thanks to you and BlogCatalog.
what a great idea!!!!
Thanks Jane and Maybei,
I've always been impressed with the BlogCatalog's great idea since their first one earlier this year.
I cannot thank you enough for your support. I imagine if all these bloggers post on Sept. 27 then it is sure to help lots of people and animals, depending on the topic they choose.
All my best,
Great idea and I hope it really goes well. I have my entry on my site already.
I hope the message gets out!
That's great Creative Blogger. Make sure you send it to our blogforhope@yahoo.com e-mail with any results you get from your post. I am very very touched by the support this is receiving! :)
Thank you and all my best,
I'm in but I don't know how to keep track of how many people read my blog entry. I thought I read somewhere that I had to do this. I have a regular page counter for my site but do I have to do it for a post? And if so, how do I do it?
p.s. got a great topic - I haven't seen anyone else use it. :)
I am fairly new to all this blogging and this concept is fantastic! Hats off to all of you!!!! I will certainly participate in this venue.
Hi Carol,
Do your best with the measurements. With the counter, you can check your traffic for the day and/or tell us if you receive any comments. You can also let us know if others link to your post. There are many other measures.
Of course, you could still submit a link to the contest without any. Mostly, they will help us with the tough task of ranking the posts. I except there will be many, many good ones. :)
Also, as an FYI, adding statcounter.com (which is free) or another analytics tool would help you know which pages people visit. However, this is not a requirement, just a suggestion to help you.
All my best,
Thanks so much. I will make sure the fine people at BlogCatalog know. And I'm thrilled to know that you will be joining the campaign! Tomorrow will be a big day!
Will do my part. All the best to all. Cheers :)
Thank you Rich for the advice. I'll go there now.
Go my entry already done - I'm rarin' to publish. I already sent it to blogforhope@yahoo.com but then after I did it, I found out I shouldn't have done that until October something.
Question...how will we know who all joined in with this campaign? I want to read everyone's entry but how do we find them?
Got one more question..do I set this counter per page load or per unique visit? (I'm new to blogging - just started a couple weeks ago so I know practically nothing)
Thanks Borzack! I know you will!
Hey Carol, no worries! If you resumit, we'll look at your last submission. Just make sure you submit the actual blog against abuse link so we don't have to look for it.
BlogCatalog will has set up a place here and you can also post a link here
I do not know if we will get everyone, listed, but we'll do our best. As for the contest, I'll be listing upto eight submissions. But I will ask BC if they want to make another list of everyone who submits.
After your install statcounter code, click popular pages. That will give you a snap shot of your traffic.
When it is free, you can only view the last 100 visits so keep that in mind. We are taking people for their word, so if you just let us know the numbers that wold be great. Eg. 65 people visited this page. I had 5 comments, here's one example. And for very abmitious people ... I pooled $150 in donations or sent 50 people to some charity. All of it good. I'll sort through the rest (well, not alone of course!)
Hope that helps. :)
All my best,
My post is up.
Generous offer. Good luck to all participants.
Here's my post about environmental abuse.
Thank Rich! So far the participation seems great!
My posts are here:
Thanks again!
I have already my post in http://happymomiam.blogspot.com/2007/09/stop-abuse.html
When I heard about this a couple of weeks ago, I couldn't contain my excitement. What an important and historic moment this is today. One blog post simply wasn't enough for me, so I posted seven! Being all too familiar with abuse of all types, I applaud you loudly!!!
This is awesome, exactly why I wanted to Blog in the first place.
I posted twice...
Subject: Child Abuse.
Personal Blog: http://cubeville.wordpress.com/
Professional Blog (Xerox): http://blog.freecolorprinters.com/
Thanks for the heads up!
These are some awesome posts! Don't forget to e-mail them in with any results you may have. This is turning out to be the biggest issue campaign ever!
Great idea! Would be great to win and have a donation to my charity in the month of Oct considering it is the month declared as Domestic Violence Awareness month.
Hi Rich,
my thanks for your support! This truly is an inspiring initiative, to use the power of the community to really make a difference on a global scale!!
All the best to you too!
This was the greatest idea since I joined blog catalog.
Could you in the future organise other events to raise awareness like Im an online volunteer with Nabuur.com and we have many villages from developing countries with small projects that need help. For example can see one of my villages issues here http://africashope.blogspot.com/2007/08/saving-girls-from-prostitution.html
This group of Hiv orphans (women) have come up with hair institute and are looking for people to help them buy equipments for the salon.
Can you have opportunities to raise awareness for groups like these?
Thanks for the initiatives.
I blogged about ECPAT an organisation trying to fight child prostitution. With main office in Bangkok http://africashope.blogspot.com/2007/09/end-child-prostitution-now.html
Thank you. Those are very powerful topics!
All my best,
What a blessing the Bloggers Unite day was! We are a mission organization that is directly trying to bring real hope to abused children that must live in foster care so all this attention warms our hearts too! We are founders of Ark of Hope For Children and our main goals are to keep siblings together while in care and stop children from bouncing from home to home. My wife, Verna Corbett and I, Blair Corbett, posted separately on Sept. 27th on all three of our blogs as well as on our Ark of Hope MySpace and Facebook sites. Links to our posts are here;
Blair Corbett – Bloggers Unite with Ark of Hope against child abuse
• GiveitaKiss BLOG - http://www.giveitakiss.com/blog/2007/9/28/bloggers-unite-with-ark-of-hope-against-child-abuse.html
• Ark of Hope For Children on Blogger - http://arkofhope.blogspot.com/2007/09/bloggers-unite-with-ark-of-hope-against.html
• Ark of Hope For Children on Live Spaces - http://arkofhope.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!CBA1A89F9A073D66!230.entry
Verna Corbett - Innocence Gone - Against child abuse and for real hope
• GiveitaKiss BLOG - http://www.giveitakiss.com/blog/2007/9/27/innocence-gone-against-child-abuse-and-for-real-hope.html
• Ark of Hope For Children on Blogger - http://arkofhope.blogspot.com/2007/09/innocence-gone-against-child-abuse-and.html
• Ark of Hope For Children on Live Spaces - http://arkofhope.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!CBA1A89F9A073D66!225.entry
Results are harder for us to measure as a small and less experienced blogging non-profit organization however, our results are;
• 1 direct comment on our blogs
• 47 new friends on BlogCatalog (We just joined them on the day and were approved the day of the event!)
• 500% increase in hits on our Ark of Hope For Children website @ www.arkforkids.org ! (4,802 hits on the 12 days prior to Sept 27th & 18,209 hits on the 12 days following Sept 27th!)
• Recent hits on our 2 websites (www.arkforkids.org and www.giveitakiss.com from many countries outside the U.S. including; United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Canada, Singapore, France, Australia, Philippines, Germany, Czech Republic, Netherlands and Europe! (Thanks to the Feedjit website map being added to our websites)
This has been a great learning experience for us as well by watching the results. At www.arkforkids.org we were able to see that newcomers were not drilling as far down into our site to read about our mission. So we reorganized the pages bringing all of the important information to the surface of each page.
Thanks for the contest, it has been a real blessing for us and we know it will bless the children we are trying to serve!
Thanks for the contest and God bless,
Blair Corbett & Ark of Hope For Children
Amazing! I will forward that on to the e-mail address.
Thank you,
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